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School and preschools

In Luleå, there is a wide range of schools and preschools. We have several interesting focus areas, such as a national basketball high school, a multilingual preschool in Finnish, Northern Sami, and Meänkieli. Additionally, there will be an English-language high school program opening in 2024.

In each district and in many of our villages, there are preschools. Preschool in Luleå lays the foundation for lifelong learning and should be safe, fun, and educational. For those in need of childcare during inconvenient evening hours, there is evening care (OB-omsorg) in central Luleå.

Multilingual preschool in Finnish, Northern Sámi, and Meänkieli

There is also a bilingual preschool with departments for Finnish-speaking, Meänkieli-speaking, and Northern Sami-speaking children at Charlottensdals Preschool in central Luleå. Here, cultural heritage and language are naturally integrated into the educational activities.

Tipi inne på Charlottendalsskolan

Primary school with the heart for every child

The schools and after-school centers of Luleå municipality are open to all children and students. Open to all cultures and individuals, to all challenges and unique circumstances. Our school is simply a school for everyone, where each child should be able to find their place, acquire new knowledge, and make their voice heard.

In Luleå, there are more than 30 municipal schools and 5 independent schools. Even in school, you can provide your child with the opportunity to develop their minority language; at Örnässkolan's language hub, your child receives extra mother tongue instruction in Finnish, Meänkieli, or Northern Sami.

Culture - a natural part of every students educational journey

Starting from the fourth grade, and onwards, the municipality of Luleå offers all students Kulturskolans offerings during school hours. For example they can choose to, free of charge, deepen their knowledge in subjects such as arts, dancing, drama, choir, a wide range of instruments, artistry, film, photo, 3D graphics, game development and digital music production.  

Beyond this every student gets to meet Kulturskolans teachers in different projects where many different forms of expressions becomes a natural entry to learning with the help of their own imagination, experiences and own creative outputs.  Activities that all aims to enable well-being and creates safe groups within the school enviorment. In the municipality of Luleå we also priortise giving the students a chance to experience professional pieces of peforming arts, school cinema and Kulturskolans own productions. And finally we let them have their say in the project “”Creative School”   Read more about Kulturskolanhere. External link.

National Basketball High School, science or arts – a wide range in the city center

In the basketball city of Luleå, one of Sweden's two national sports high schools for basketball is located. Students from all over Sweden are attracted to the education where Sweden's absolute elite in basketball is trained.

In addition to sports, you can choose from a wide range of 16 different programs. Everything from the aesthetic program to natural sciences. Prepare for university studies or train directly for a profession with good prospects right after graduation. The entire Luleå high school is located in a consolidated campus in the city center with excellent facilities and knowledgeable teachers.

English-language schools in Luleå

In the fall of 2024, Luleå will open a new English-language upper secondary education, which is an International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IB) candidate school. An English-language primary school is also planned to open in Luleå August 2024.


Young woman studying with friends


Luleå University of Technology is in strong growth with world-leading expertise in several research areas.

Read more about the university